MathNook Math Games by Grade Level
MathNook Math Games by Category
Time Games
Time Balloons 2

Fly MathPup to get the clock matching the target time. No time limit in this game but the monkey will throw a banana at you if you get the wrong clock!
Number Crunch Time

A simple to play match 3 game with a telling time twist. Clear the board by identifying if a clock is showing the same time as the time shown underneath it. If you like match 3 games you'll really like this game!
giraffe Dash Time

Give your giraffe a speed boost by finding the digital time matching the time shown on the analog clock in this multiplayer racing game. Choose to play against a friend, a computer player or in a public game against another player.
Tug Team Giraffes Time

Choose the time given in words to the time shown on the analog clock in this telling time multiplayer game. Choose to play against a friend, a computer player or in a public game against another player.
Parking Time 2

Park the car on the spot with the clock matching the given time. Various modes to practice with: hour, half hour, 15 minutes, 5 minutes and random increment modes.
Cool Math Time

It's MathPup on a snowmobile in a tug of war with some tough competitors. Click on the time that matches the time on the analog clock to give MathPup's snowmobile extra tugging power. A simple to play telling time game.
Math Dog Telling Time

MathPup needs to identify where the cat burglar is hiding. Choose the clock showing the given time to reveal the burglar. Various modes and customizations to choose from.
Math Dog Elapsed Time

MathPup is looking for the cat burglar. Figure out the elapsed time to help MathPup catch the burglar. Various modes to choose from such as time mode or untimed mode.

Help RoboClock get through all five levels of this telling time game by selecting the correct time. 4 modes to choose from.
Roboclock 2

Get Roboclock through all of the levels by clicking on the time that matches the time displayed on the analog clock. 4 modes to choose from.
Roboclock 3

Help RoboClock get through all of the levels by clicking on the analog clock that matches the time that is displayed. 4 modes to choose from.
MathPup Clock

Find the time matching the time shown on the clock. Time on clock is in 5 minute increments. No time limit in this game so you can take your time playing.
Telling Time Clock

Telling time application to help learn, practice and test telling time on an analog clock.
Elapsed Time Clock

Use the two clocks to demo, calculate or set the elapsed time.
Adjust the Clock

Practice telling time and setting an analog clock. Choose to play in hour increments, 15 minute increments or 5 minute increments.
Ninja Clock Elapsed Time

Get the ninja safely across the water by calculating the elapsed time between islands. If you calculate wrong he'll fall in the water but no worries as you can just restart that level.
Time Memory

Match the analog clocks with the digital time in this telling time game. No time limit but its always fun to try and beat your best time.