MathNook Math Games by Grade Level
MathNook Math Games by Category
Estimation Games
Weigh It!

Create and drop weights on the two scales to try and balance them out. No time limit in this game with 20 levels for you to complete.
Estimation Genius

Calculate the time to the nearest hour shown on the clock. Simple to play without any time limit.
Get the Weight

Try and balance the scales by estimating the amount of weights needed. If you don't balance the scales the first time, try and remember how much total weight you used to help you balance the scales on the next try.
Get the Weight Metric

The metric version of Get the Weight where you try and balance the scales by estimating the amount of weights needed. If you don't balance the scales the first time, try and remember how much total weight you used to help you balance the scales on the next try.
Calculate Genius

Real world estimation! It is always fun to try and guess how many beans in a jar, how tall an object is or how much volume a container holds and see how close you come to the actual quantity. That is what you'll do in this game after getting a quick glimpse of what needs to be estimated.
MathPup Angles Bubble Shoot

The location of bubbles are given in degrees. Use the slider to estimate the degrees as best as you can and then hit the shoot button to see how good your estimate is.