Math Stations / Centers
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Skill: Patterning
Students answer questions off of the pattern cards so that they can get to the airport. For 2 or more players.

Skill: Geometry Vocabulary
The classic Battleship game with a geometric twist. To get a "hit" players have to answer a geometry question correctly. For 2 or more players.

Skill: Math Vocabulary
The classic Tic Tac Toe game where students will have to use their math vocabulary knowledge to place an "x" or "o" in the square. For 2 players.

Skill: Customary Measurement
Reach a yard or more by spinning the spinner and moving that amount down the yardstick. For 2 or more players.

Skill: Metric Measurement
Move the full length of a meter by moving the amount shown on the spinner. For 2 or more players.

Skill: Measurement Conversion
Players draw "Clue into Measurement" cards and give clues to help the other player on their team guess the measurement given on the card. For 4 or more players.
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