Math Stories
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We know that reading comprehension isn't just used in the reading classroom. It is a skill that is used across all subject areas. In the following short stories, students will use their reading comprehension skills to read as well as problem solve by answering a variety of mathematical questions. 10 - 12 questions will be asked per story.

A story about Coach Adam and his baseball league featuring 12 open-ended questions from counting to rounding.

A story about Coach Adam and his baseball league featuring 12 multiple choice questions with answer key.

Bluebonnet Elementary School goes on a field trip to Mr. McDonald's farm in this math story. 12 questions ranging from counting to measurement and elapsed time.

The multiple choice version of the Farm Field Trip math story with 12 questions and answer key.

Have you ever wanted to have your own business? Read this story to find out if Henry makes enough money to buy a new video. 12 open-ended questions involving patterns, multiplication, division, money, fractions and more.

The multiple choice version of Henry's Business above with 12 multiple choice questions involving patterns, multiplication, division, money, fractions and more.
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